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Racism and Narcissistic Abuse in Maternal Care Settings

The first step in deconstructing the racism and narcissistic abuse in maternal care settings is to understand it enough to recognize when it's happening, label the behaviors and then find a way through with your client, so that they are not falling victim to these "invisible", covert, passive aggressive and sneaky tactics.

You and your client may feel traumatized when these forms of coercive control and gaslighting occur. Let's unpack it so that we can call it by name and change the outcome. These abuses won't end until we have ways to hold practitioners accountable and we can't hold them accountable if we are ignorant (or susceptible ourselves!) to the manipulation that can occur in high stress care settings.

Join us for these free public discussions about racism and narcissistic abuse in maternal care settings.

Go to and click on "Training Events" to find the next free public discussions on these important topics!

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