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The CLSE will be equipped to support mothers in breastfeeding, through trouble shooting and problem solving. 
The CLSE will also be able to assist with the first latch immediately after birth and in follow-up sessions.

The CLSE is special because not only will you be ready to help mothers with breastfeeding from birth to weaning, but you will also be ready to teach classes on Breastfeeding Preparation for new and expecting mothers and their partners.


Did you know, the laws have changed and now require larger companies to provide space and time for breastfeeding mothers to pump during the work day. YOU will be equipped as a CLSE to assist corporations to set up pumping rooms, educate staff on the benefits of breastfeeding and support working mothers to continue providing their babies with their pumped milk.

YOU are going to make a difference!

Lactation Support & Educator Certification Intensive 


- Video Workshop
- Newborn Feeding Education Tool (in-person workshop attendees only)
- Crocheted Breast Latch Model (in-person workshop attendees only)
- 80 page Lactation Support Guide and Manual

- "Class in a Box" Breastfeeding 101, which includes PowerPoint, Instructor Outline and PDF Student Handout
- Entertaining Educational Experience
- Friends and Mentors to Support You as You Grow


You will be ready to teach your first class!


If you're ready to enroll, then please click below:




Certification Assignments include:

  • Reading 3 Required Books plus CLSE Manual

  • Answer Essay Questions

  • Write an Opinion Paper on the Role of the Lactation Support & Educator

  • Attend an In-Person Workshop (or live, online workshop optional)

  • Work with 3 Families, with Case Notes and Evaluations


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Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm EST


Closed during all bank and government holidays.


929-547-9473 (WISE)



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