First of all, the terms Labor Doula and Birth Doula are used here synonymously. Hopefully, if you're there for the labor, you're also there for the birth and vice versa, right? When you receive credentials from The MaternityWise Institute, you will be able to add the letters CLD after your name! This stands for Certified Labor Doula.
We feel that all families deserve special care before, during and after the birth of their baby and we want to make the process simple and inexpensive for you to begin helping them.
Our philosophy is not 100% "natural" or 100% "medical" - it is 100% both. We know that you will likely serve a variety of birthing clients who will need help to navigate and integrate those two worlds. So you will need deeper understanding of both. We feel it is very important for all involved (parents, as well as caregivers) that you would understand the logic, benefits, risks and alternatives of all procedures and methods used commonly in childbirth today - in hospitals, birthing centers and at home, around the world. We also feel it is imperative that you conduct yourself with both grace and strength as you serve your clients' needs while navigating their unique journey through informed choices as well as events out of their control.
Understanding how to be diplomatic in educating and empowering your clients both before and during the birth is vital to maintaining a respectful atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork. While we wish everyone had an equitable choice in birthing locations, we realize that not all can (or want to) give birth in the natural setting of a home, and so with your help, every family will be supported in their personal journey as they make decisions unique to their situation and as they venture through this sacred rite of passage - no matter what their chosen birth location might be.
When you complete this program you will be skilled in a variety of areas, including (but not limited to) the following:
~ Utilizing proven, effective methods for pain relief
~ Understanding the Role and Scope of Practice for doula care, and operating within it
~ How to work with team members of all types to accomplish better outcomes
~ How the use of Maternal-Fetal Positioning (AKA Optimal Feotal Positioning) can assist with discomfort and help avoid unnecessary cesarean sections
~ Translating medical language related to birth into lay-person language
~ How essential oils and other alternative therapies can be helpful during labor
~ How to help your client set themselves up for success and stay healthy during pregnancy, and why poor health during pregnancy leads to more and earlier birth interventions
~ What to do with a client who is being induced, to help their mind, heart, body and baby get ready for birth
~ How to work through previous trauma (in clients and yourself!) to prepare for labor
~ How to recognize where your client is at in the labor process, and how to help them progress
~ The basics of setting up a business plan
~ Step by Step guidance in creating and growing your business
~ How to find clients, and marketing on a shoestring budget
and so much more!!
You will also have access to a business mentor who has a proven business building background, and will provide support to you as you develop and grow your own birth business.
Certification Assignments include:
Reading 3 Required Books plus CLD Manual
Answer Essay Questions
Write an Opinion Paper on the Role of the Labor Doula
Attend Online eClass OR an In-Person Workshop (live, online workshops included)
Work with 3 Families, with Evaluations
Click below to begin your journey...