The EpiDoula® Program
Cesarean rates are highest among mothers who receive an epidural in labor. Mothers are requesting epidurals more often than ever. Women are also opting not to hire a doula, because they believe having an epidural means they will not need support, but it is evident than a mother laboring with an epidural is actually in greater need of support, in order to help prevent an unnecessary cesarean than a mother without any sort of pain relief.
Through this unique program, MaternityWise provides additional skills specific to the needs of caregivers who serve mothers with epidural pain relief. This program is for doulas, nurses, midwives, obstetricians, or any other labor support companion. There are no pre-requisites, but a basic knowledge of birth-related anatomy/physiology and labor support would be helpful.
When you've attended this in-person workshop, you will receive a frame-able Certificate of Completion to compliment all of your other achievements. This is considered an advanced training module and provides 10 CEUs toward your MaternityWise recertification process.
However, you do not have to already be a doula to attend as it can be used to increase your skills in any maternity caregiving role.
This 6-hour course will provide the following competencies:
epidural delay measures - basic support, to get mom "as far as possible" before epidural is used
comfort measures for mothers who are still feeling pain, while immobilized
emotional support for mothers who experience a "disconnect" from their labor
supporting mothers who choose epidurals in response to a traumatic experience (current labor / previous event)
partner engagement for mothers with an epidural
the benefits of epidurals and how to use them to help mothers achieve a vaginal birth
the detriments of epidurals in relation to emotional and physical outcomes for mother and baby
anatomy and physiology of the laboring body while utilizing epidural pain relief (because there are differences!)
belly mapping and hands-on rotation techniques "bedside"
optimal maternal-fetal positioning techniques specific to the limitations of epidural immobility
basic understanding of fetal heart tone patterns and what baby could be telling us
augmenting labor when progress has slowed after epidural placement
complications common with epidurals; prevention of, recognition of, assisting and overcoming
The EpiDoula program will tour the USA first, making stops in all major cities. Then it will be brought abroad.
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