Improving postpartum,
one family at a time.
Postpartum support is vital to the health of a new family. Mothers require special care during their recovery phase and while a partner's loving support is integral, they are not always equipped to guide and nurture moms in every area of physical and emotional transitions, lactation and newborn care. It is unfair to expect partners to always have the right answer and to be able to anticipate all of a mother's needs during and after the birth process. This is where skilled doula support comes into play.
Grandmothers, sisters and friends can be a huge blessing in the early days and weeks of a mother's postpartum period and is the traditional way that communities gathered around families after birth. However, not all mothers have family and friends nearby, or who they feel comfortable receiving advice and care from. Social support has been found to be an important ingredient in the mental and emotional health of mothers during this time. Being there for mom as a listener, and with sage advice when appropriate, providing nurturing, nonjudgmental care that empowers her to listen to her instincts and transition into her new role can make all the difference in preventing or recovering from depression, anxiety or other postpartum mood disorders.
Would you enjoy providing compassionate, professional care to newborn families?
It is a humbling honor, to be trusted and allowed into the space held by a new mother and her infant.
If you're reading this, chances are, you are that kind of special soul who could make all the difference in a new mothers experience during postpartum.
When you complete the MaternityWise Institute Postpartum Doula Certification course, you will be able to add the credentials of CPD after your name. (Certified Postpartum Doula)
When you complete this program you will be skilled in a variety of areas, including (but not limited to) the following:
~ Active listening skills for a professional setting
~ Understanding the Role and Scope of Practice for postpartum doula care, and operating within it
~ How to work with team members of all types to accomplish better outcomes
~ Identifying possible mental health issues and how to appropriately assist moms in seeking care in a timely manner
~ First level breastfeeding support and trouble shooting
~ Translating medical language related to postnatal/pediatric care into lay-person language for mothers and babies with ongoing medical issues like reflux, apnea, etc.
~ Helping a mother advocate for herself and her infant, and facilitate communication with other caregivers
~ How to help your client set herself up for success as your care comes to an end
~ Identifying birth trauma in mothers and infants, and supporting natural healing as appropriate
~ Facilitating and encouraging healthy bond and attachment for all family members
~ Assisting families with learning about their newborns' physiological, as well as emotional needs
~ Working with families of all cultural backgrounds
~ The basics of setting up a business plan
~ Step by Step guidance in creating and growing your business
~ How to find clients, and marketing on a shoestring budget
and so much more!!
You will also have access to a business mentor who has a proven business building background, and will provide private coaching sessions to you as you develop and grow your own birth business.
Certification Assignments include:
Reading 3 Required Books plus CPD Manual
Answer Essay Questions
Write an Opinion Paper on the Role of the Postpartum Doula
Attend Online eClass OR an In-Person Workshop (live, online workshops included)
Work with 3 Families, with Evaluations
Click below to begin your journey...