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Credentialing Exam

Welcome to the credentialing exam!

In order to get to this point, you've worked very hard, demonstrated your skills and knowledge and shown that you are ready to finalize your certification process.


At this point in your journey, you will need several things to complete this final step:


​1. Make sure you are logged into your MaternityWise Member Profile and that your Membership Plan status is current and in good standing.  It is recommended that you take this exam from a tablet or computer (NOT a phone).


2.  Have all of your Certification Packet Assignments saved as PDFs, ready to refer to as you answer questions.  You will upload them at the end of the exam.


3. Pay the Credentialing Fee Here for each modality you'll be certifying in.  CLD, CPD, CLSE each require their own credentialing fee to be paid.  If this fee has been waived for you, please indicate that on your exam.


Last thing!  You will need to plan for approximately 90 minutes to complete this exam.  If you do not finish in time, or if you close the exam window, all progress will be lost and you will need to start again from the beginning.



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